Frequently Asked Questions and their answers

We know that switching to new economic software can be confusing. We have therefore prepared a list of the most frequently asked questions and answers for you.

If you do not find the answer to your question, write to us at the contact form below..

Who is the Katana ERP system for?

The system is intended primarily for retail, wholesale or network networks. Whether you run one store or more, the Katana ERP system allows you to manage the warehouse management of all branches online from one place.

What do I need to install to use the Katana information system?

You don't have to install anything at all. All you need to work with Katana's economical software is Internet access and a web browser (Chrome, Edge or Firefox). In addition, thanks to the modern responsive design, you can use the Katana ERP system on a desktop PC, laptop, tablet or even a smartphone.

How do I move to the Katana economic system?

The transition to the Katana ERP system couldn't be easier. We will import stock cards and partners from your current system free of charge and make the initial setup of the application according to your needs.

Learn more about the transition to Katana here .

What is the maximum number of stores in the Katana ERP system?

Katana's economic information system has no limit on the number of warehouses / stores. The system is scalable and works whether you have 1 or 50 operations. With us, your business can grow - we can add more traffic, if necessary, at any time while you wait.

Is it possible to integrate the Katana cash register system on eKasa / ORP (online cash register)?

Katana is also a cash register system and provides the possibility of connection to eKasa/ ORP. You can also rent hardware from us, and the rental also includes technical support in case of a cash register failure.

I don't have my own eKasa / ORP (online cash register), is that a problem?

No problem, you don't have to buy expensive hardware. As part of the rental of the Katana ERP system, we can also rent the ORP (eKasa) to you, if necessary.

Is it possible to connect the Katana storage system to the e-shop?

The flexibility of the Katana system allows you to connect to virtually any e-shop that has an interface for communication. We can automatically transfer orders from the e-shop to the Katana warehouse system and reserve goods in stock.

How much does the Katana ERP system cost?

Katana's ERP system is not bought, but rented. You do not need to make a large investment to buy software, servers or address their reliability and backup. We will arrange everything for you. The amount of rent depends on the number of operations, users of the application and the range of functionalities used.

Nezáväznú cenovú kalkuláciu môžete získať tu.

Will the rental price change if the business closes?

The amount of lease is adjusted according to the number of active operations. This means that you do not have to pay for operations that are closed.

In addition, the lease is paid only for the period when the operation is active. The Katana economic system is thus also a suitable solution for seasonal operations.

How often are stock levels updated?

Stock levels are updated immediately. You can see the current data online at any time.

What reporting options does the Katana economic system provide?

Katana's reporting capabilities are almost limitless. In addition to the standard predefined reports, it is possible to filter, sort and format data in any record overview and thus obtain various views of data and business. Each user can create their own reports and analyzes according to needs and permissions.

Viac informácii nájdete na podstránke venovanej analýzam a reportom.

Will my employees see all the company data?

The Katana ERP system provides the ability to create a system of user roles as needed. For example, the seller can see only the information strictly necessary for the sale, the shop manager more information, the owner all. It is also possible to set the seller to see / not see stock prices, etc.

Is it possible to set more price lists in the Katana ERP system?

Samozrejme, možnosti cenotvorby v ekonomickom systéme Katana sú takmer neobmedzené. Je možné nastaviť rôzne cenové hladiny pre rôznych zákazníkov, skupiny zákazníkov, pre predajne, regióny, nastavenie časovej platnosti cien, minimálnej predajnej ceny, fixnej marže, cenotvorba s/bez DPH, a mnoho ďalších možností. Samozrejmosťou je aj možnosť hromadne spravovať cenníky prostredníctvom importov zo súboru MS Excel. Viac informácii o cenotvorbe nájdete tu.

Okrem toho je v systéme samostatný modul pre definíciu zliav, kde je možné nastaviť rôzne akcie a zľavy (napr. zľava pri nákupe viacerých kusov, 2+1 zadarmo, šťastná hodinka a mnoho iných). Viac informácii o zľavovom module nájdete tu.

Is it possible to issue an invoice in the Katana ERP system?

Katana is also an invoicing system. The wide range of application settings allows, in addition to the manual issuance of an invoice, also the automatic generation of an invoice after the sale of goods. In addition, these invoices can be automatically sent to the customer's email after issuance.

Viac informácii o možnostiach fakturácie nájdete tu.

Is it possible to register returns in the Katana information system?

Áno, súčasťou systému Katana je aj reklamačný modul, kde je možné prijímať tovar na reklamáciu,  evidovať stav reklamácie, rôzne spôsoby ukončenia reklamácie a reporting. Viac informácii o reklamačnom module nájdete v časti Aftersales.

I sell goods with registration of serial numbers, is it possible to register them in the Katana system?

Ekonomický systém Katana natívne podporuje evidenciu tovaru so sériovými číslami prípadne IMEI, pri takomto tovare je možné evidovať a dohľadať umiestnenie konkrétneho kusu tovaru na úroveň sériového čísla. Viac informácii nájdete v časti o skladovom hospodárstve.

I have foreign business partners, can I serve them in the Katana ERP system?

Katana provides the possibility of buying and selling in foreign currency. The document is automatically supplemented with exchange rates from the exchange rate list, which can be filled in manually or automatically via the ECB interface.

How is the security and data of my business and customers ensured?

The security of your sensitive data is our top priority. The Katana information system is based on the latest security standards, which are regularly maintained and updated. In addition, our servers are located in a secure data center so that they can ensure the smooth running of your business without downtime.


Ask us

If you have any questions regarding functionalities, compatibility, customization options, or the transition to the Katana economic system, write us via the form below and our team will contact you. By submitting the form, you consent to the processing of personal data.

    Katana is an online ERP software for small and medium-sized businesses. In the interface of the web application, you will find a comprehensive report on your business from purchases to complaints. 

    Copyright 2024. FLEX-IS, spol. s r.o.
